STK Scheduler Connect Commands

There are a number of commands for the STK Scheduler module that can be executed through Connect. These commands allow you to define and modify Scheduler tasks and resources, retrieve task and resource information, and request schedule solutions. A brief description of the command as well as the command format and structure is provided for each command. For most commands associated with the STK Scheduler module, the actual Command name is SCHED. Depending on the action you wish to take, the {SCHEDOption} parameter will change. The generic structure of most Scheduler commands is:

SCHED {SCHEDOption} <ObjectPath> <Parameters>

The <Parameters> change depending on the {SCHEDOption} specified. You can click the item of interest to display a brief description of the command as well as the command format and structure.

<ObjectPath> is always "/" for any SCHED command

When using the COM interface, the very same STK Scheduler connect commands are used. The only difference is the "SCHED /" is omitted in each command.

When creating a Command Ingest command file, the very same STK Scheduler connect commands are used exactly as shown.

Command Format Description Version
File Parameters
SCHED IngestCommands SCHED / IngestCommands '<filename>' Open a file and processes the connect commands contained in that file. 8.2
SCHED ExportToExcel SCHED / ExportToExcel '<AbsoluteFilePathName>.<filetype>' Create Excel file of Data view 7.0
SCHED ExportGraphic SCHED / ExportGraphic '<AbsoluteFilePathName>.<filetype>' Create image file of Gantt view 6.0
SCHED ExportToCSV SCHED / ExportToCSV '<AbsoluteFilePathName>.<filetype>' <Parameters> Create CSV file of Data view 11.2
SCHED ExportToCommands SCHED / ExportToCommands '<AbsoluteFilePathName>.<filetype>' Create a text file of commands that will recreate the current schedule. 11.5
SCHED MergeSchedules SCHED / MergeSchedules {PrimaryAbsoluteFilePathName} {SecondaryAbsoluteFilePathName} {OutputMergedAbsoluteFilePathName} Merge 2 Schedules into a New Schedule File 10.0.1
SCHED PrintGantt SCHED / PrintGantt {AttributeName} <Parameters> Prints the Gantt view and sets printing parameters 6.0
SCHED PrintTable SCHED / PrintTable {AttributeName} <Parameters> Prints the Table view and sets printing parameters 6.0
Resource Parameters
SCHED NewResource SCHED / NewResource '<NewResourceName>' Create a new Scheduler resource object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED EditResource SCHED / EditResource '<ResourceName>' {AttributeName} <Parameters> Set the value of Scheduler resource object attributes 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED EditResourceTag SCHED / EditResourceTag '<ResourceTag>' '<ResourceIds>' Creates or edits the Resource Tag 12.5
SCHED DeleteResource SCHED / DeleteResource '<ResourceName>' Delete specified resource object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED CreateResConstraintGroup SCHED / CreateResConstraintGroup '<GroupName>' '<ResourceList>' <Nof> Create a resource constraint group 5.0
SCHED CreateResTemplateGroup SCHED / CreateResTemplateGroup '<GroupName>' '<ResourceList>' Create a resource template group 5.0
SCHED EditResConstraintGroup SCHED / EditResConstraintGroup '<GroupName>' '<ResourceList>' <Nof> Updates a resource constraint group 12.4
SCHED EditResTemplateGroup SCHED / EditResTemplateGroup '<GroupName>' '<ResourceList>' Updates a resource template group 12.4
SCHED DeleteResourceTag SCHED / DeleteResourceTag '<ResourceTagID>' Delete specified resource tag object 12.5
SCHED DeleteResourceLogicalGroup SCHED / DeleteResourceLogicalGroup '<ResourceLogicalGroupName>' Delete specified resource logical group object 11
SCHED IngestSTKObjects SCHED / IngestSTKObjects <ObjectType> Create resources in STK Scheduler associated with objects in an STK scenario 5.0
SCHED GetResourceSolution SCHED / GetResourceSolution '<FileName>' Return the Scheduler resource report 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetResourceSolutionJson SCHED / GetResourceSolutionJson '<FileName>' Return the Scheduler resource report in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetResourceInfo SCHED / GetResourceInfo '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' Return the attributes of the specified Scheduler resource object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetResourceInfoByGroups SCHED / GetResourceInfoByGroups '<ResourceGroupName>' '<FileName>' Return the attributes of the specified Scheduler resource objects included in a resource group 12.2
SCHED GetResourceInfoJson SCHED / GetResourceInfoJson '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' Return the attributes of the specified Scheduler resource object in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetResourceInfoJsonByGroups SCHED / GetResourceInfoJsonByGroups '<ResourceGroupName>' '<FileName>' Return the attributes of the specified Scheduler resource objects in a resource group in JSON format 12.2
SCHED GetResourceInfoOpts SCHED / GetResourceInfoOpts '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' <OptionList> Returns the attributes of the specified Scheduler resource object specified by the "OptionsList" 11.6
SCHED GetResourceInfoOptsByGroups SCHED / GetResourceInfoOptsByGroups '<ResourceGroupName>' '<FileName>' <OptionList> Returns the attributes of the specified Scheduler resource objects in a resource group specified by the "OptionsList" 12.2
SCHED GetResourceValues SCHED / GetResourceValues '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' <ResourceAttribute> Return the resource attribute value timeline report 6.0
SCHED GetResourceValuesJson SCHED / GetResourceValuesJson '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' <ResourceAttribute> Return the resource attribute value timeline report in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetRFIResourceReport SCHED / GetRfiResourceReportCsv '<Resource ID List>' '<Optional Filename>' Returns a .CSV file containing the RFI periods associated with the resource/resources listed 12.8
SCHED UpdateOrbitData SCHED / UpdateOrbitData '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' <Parameters> Update the orbit data for a given object in the associated STK scenario 12.5
SCHED ExportOrbitDataFile SCHED / ExportOrbitDataFile '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' Download the orbit data for a given object in the associated STK scenario 12.5
SCHED GetOrbitDataPath SCHED / GetOrbitDataPath '<ResourceName>' Return the file location of the orbit data used by STK for the specified resource 12.5
SCHED UpdateAzElMask SCHED / UpdateAzElMask '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' <Parameters> Update the azimuth-elevation mask for a given object in the associated STK scenario 12.8
SCHED ExportAzElMask SCHED / ExportAzElMask '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' Download the azimuth-elevation mask for a given object in the associated STK scenario 12.8
SCHED GetAzElMaskPath SCHED / GetAzElMaskPath '<ResourceName>' Return the file location of the azimuth-elevation mask used by STK for the specified resource 12.8
SCHED UpdateFirstPassNumber SCHED / UpdateFirstPassNumber '<ResourceName>' '<FileName>' Update the pass data numbering for a given object in the associated STK scenario 12.8
SCHED GetBufferTimeUsage SCHED / GetBufferTimeUsage '<ResourceName>' Returns the names of all tasks with an assignment within the specified resource's buffer time. If any tasks are unassigned, they will also be returned if they have any timeslots within the specified resource's buffer time 11.6
Task Parameters
SCHED NewTask SCHED / NewTask '<NewTaskName>' Create a new Scheduler task object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED EditTask SCHED / EditTask '<TaskName>' {AttributeName} <Parameters> Set the value of Scheduler task object attributes 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED EditTaskGroup SCHED / EditTaskGroup '<TaskGroupName>' {AttributeName} <Parameters> Set the value of Scheduler task group object attributes 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED DeleteTask SCHED / DeleteTask '<TaskName>' Delete specified task object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED DeleteTaskGroup SCHED / DeleteTaskGroup '<TaskGroupName>' Delete specified task group object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED NewAssignment SCHED / NewAssignment '<TaskId>' <Optional ShrinkToTimeslot> <StartTime> <StopTime> '<AssignmentPossibilityName>' Create a new assignment for a Scheduler task object 12.5
SCHED EditAssignment SCHED / EditAssignment '<TaskId>' <AssignmentId> <Optional ShrinkToTimeslot> <StartTime> <StopTime> '<AssignmentPossibilityName>' Edit an assignment for a Scheduler task object 12.5
SCHED DeleteAssignment SCHED / DeleteAssignment '<TaskName>' '<AssignmentIds>' Delete assignment(s) for a Scheduler task object 12.5
SCHED GetTaskInfo SCHED / GetTaskInfo '<TaskName>' '<FileName>' Return the attributes of the specified Scheduler task object 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetTaskInfoJson SCHED / GetTaskInfoJson '<TaskName>' '<FileName>' Return the attributes of the specified Scheduler task object in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetTaskInfoOpts SCHED / GetTaskInfoOpts '<TaskName>' '<FileName>' <OptionsList> Returns the attributes of the specified Scheduler task object specified by the "OptionsList" 11.6
SCHED LockTasks SCHED / LockTasks {Attribute1Name} {Attribute2Name} <Parameters> Change Lock Status of Specified Tasks 5.0
SCHED LockTaskAssignments SCHED / LockTaskAssignments '<TaskName>' <AttributeName> Ids/All '<AssignmentIds>' Lock/Unlock assignment(s) for a Scheduler task object 12.5
SCHED HideTasks SCHED / HideTasks {Attribute1Name} {Attribute2Name} <Parameters> Change Visible Status of Specified Tasks 7.0
SCHED DeferTasks SCHED / DeferTasks {Attribute1Name} {Attribute2Name} <Parameters> Change Deferred Status of Specified Tasks 5.0
SCHED GetTaskSolution SCHED / GetTaskSolution '<FileName>' Return the Scheduler task report 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetTaskSolutionJson SCHED / GetTaskSolutionJson '<FileName>' Return the Scheduler task report in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetTaskGroupReport SCHED / GetTaskGroupReport '<TaskGroupName>' '<FileName>' Return the Task Group report 10.1
SCHED GetTaskGroupReportJson SCHED / GetTaskGroupReportJson '<TaskGroupName>' '<FileName>' Return the Task Group report in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetTaskGroupReportOpts SCHED / GetTaskGroupReportOpts '<TaskGroupName>' '<FileName>' <OptionsList> Return the Task Group report attributes specified by the "OptionsList" 10.1
SCHED GetTaskConflicts SCHED / GetTaskConflicts '<FileName>' Return the Task Conflicts report 5.0
SCHED RecreatePossibilities SCHED / RecreatePossibilities {AttributeName} '<Parameters>' Re-create task possibilities 5.0
Schedule Parameters
SCHED NewSchedule SCHED / NewSchedule '<AbsoluteFilePathName >' Open a new blank Scheduler schedule file to work with 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED OpenSchedule SCHED / OpenSchedule '<AbsoluteFilePathName >' Open an existing Scheduler schedule file to work with 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED ValidateSchedule SCHED / ValidateSchedule Initiate schedule validation 5.0
SCHED DeconflictSchedule SCHED / DeConflictSchedule {AttributeName} <Parameters> Request a new schedule solution 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED StopDeconflict SCHED / StopDeconflict Abort the current deconfliction run 11.6
SCHED CloseSchedule SCHED / CloseSchedule Close the active Schedule 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetScheduleInfo SCHED / GetScheduleInfo '<FileName>' Return the current values of Scheduler option settings 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetScheduleInfoJson SCHED / GetScheduleInfoJson '<FileName>' Return the current values of Scheduler option settings in JSON format 11.7
SCHED GetScheduleInfoOpts SCHED / GetScheduleInfo '<FileName>' OptionsList Return selected Scheduler option settings 11.6
SCHED GetScheduleComparisonReport SCHED / GetScheduleComparisonReport '<SchedulePath>' '<FileName>' Return a schedule comparison report 11.6
SCHED GetScheduleComparisonReportJson SCHED / GetScheduleComparisonReportJson '<SchedulePath>' '<FileName>' Return a schedule comparison report in JSON format 12.0
SCHED GetScheduleSolution SCHED / GetScheduleSolution '<FileName>' Return a schedule summary report 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED GetScheduleSolutionJson SCHED / GetScheduleSolutionJson '<FileName>' Return a schedule summary report in JSON format 11.7
SCHED GetVersion SCHED / GetVersion Return the current version of Scheduler 11.0
SCHED GetPluginVersion SCHED / GetPluginVersion Return the current version of Scheduler's Plugins 11.4
SCHED ImportRFIConfiguration SCHED / ImportRFIConfiguration '<filename>' <Parameters> Imports resource RFI configurations into the schedule 12.8
SCHED ExportRFIConfiguration SCHED / ExportRFIConfiguration '<AbsoluteFilePathName>.<filetype>' Create .JSON file of the schedule's resource RFI configurations 12.8
SCHED SaveSchedule SCHED / SaveSchedule '< AbsoluteFilePathName >' Save the Scheduler schedule file 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED SetScheduleOptions SCHED / SetScheduleOptions {OptionName} <Parameters> Set the value of Scheduler option setting(s) 4.3.1 & 5.0
SCHED EditFOM SCHED / EditFOM {AttributeName} <AttributeValue> Set Figure of Merit (FOM) value(s) 12.6
SCHED AnimateSchedule SCHED / AnimateSchedule Animates the Active Schedule in STK 8.1.1
Ancillary Parameters
SCHED NewCustomSTKReport SCHED / NewCustomSTKReport CustomName STKName ObjCount Obj1Type {Obj2Type} Style {arg1} {arg2} {arg3} Make a new, custom report format, a new way of pulling data from STK. 11.1
SCHED GetCustomSTKReports SCHED / GetCustomSTKReports Returns the definitions of all user-created STK reports. 12.7
SCHED DeleteCustomSTKReport SCHED / DeleteCustomSTKReport CustomName Deletes custom STK report formats with the name "CustomName". 11.1
SCHED BatchConvertSTKReportDefs SCHED / BatchConvertSTKReportDefs <IncludeResources> <IncludeTasks> <IncludeSingleInstanceTasks> <IncludeTaskProfiles> '<ReportNames>' {OptionalAttributeName} <Parameters> Updates the STK report definition for all existing reports on resources and/or tasks. 12.9
SCHED ApiReturnDataEnabled SCHED / ApiReturnDataEnabled {True | False} Enable or disable returning the data generated by an API command through a COM or socket interface. 11.1
SCHED GraphicsOn SCHED / GraphicsOn {On | Off} Turns graphics updates in the GUI on or off. 4.3.1
SCHED HideGUI SCHED / HideGUI Closes the GUI but leaves the STK Scheduler engine running. 8.2
SCHED RefreshStkData SCHED / RefreshStkData Refresh all Task and Resource reports from STK 7.0
SCHED SetAutoValidate SCHED / SetAutoValidate {On | Off} Set AutoValidation On or Off 5.0
SCHED GetConfigOptionsJson SCHED / GetConfigOptionsJson Get the STK Scheduler configuration settings 12.0
SCHED SetConfigOptions SCHED / SetConfigOptions {OptionName} <Parameters> Set the value of STK Scheduler configuration setting(s) 6.0
SCHED SetTimescaleOptions SCHED / SetTimescaleOptions {OptionName} <Parameters> Control Gantt view timescale settings 6.0
SCHED UseDayOfYear SCHED / UseDayOfYear {True | False} Set whether Scheduler uses Day-Of-Year date formatting (YYYY-ddd) 11.6
SCHED SetViewOptions SCHED / SetViewOptions {OptionName} <Parameters> Control GUI window settings 6.0
SCHED ShowGUI SCHED / ShowGUI Displays the GUI when only the STK Scheduler engine is running. 8.2
SCHED Shutdown SCHED / Shutdown Closes the STK Scheduler application when only the STK Scheduler engine is running. 8.2
SCHED STK SCHED / STK <stk command string> Send an STK Connect command through STK Scheduler to STK, and get the response. 5.0
SCHED STKWithStoredFile SCHED / STKWithStoredFile <stk command string> Sends an STK command through STK Scheduler using a Stored File 11.4
SCHED StoreFile SCHED / StoreFile <filename> <FileContents> Sends a file to be stored. 11.4
SCHED UpdateTimeComponents SCHED / UpdateTimeComponents Updates TimeComponents in the STK Timeline View. 10.1

See STK Connect Module Help for more information on the STK Connect module and all other Connect module commands.